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Questions About Method Schools? We're Here For You!
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May 10, 2015

1 min

Method Schools

Choosing the Right School Isn't Easy

Choosing the right educational path for our children is not easy. Traditionally, any child who is old enough to attend school is automatically set to attend a regular public school.

When my daughter was ready to begin school, I started looking at the different options that were available. Home school, Public Charter, Public School, Project based, Online and Independent Study were all programs that I soon became very familiar with. Researching and trying to better understand what each type of program has to offer, while trying to balance work and family life, soon became overwhelming. Like most parents, I just settled for the traditional public school option.

After realizing that my daughter was bored and miserable with school, my research and drive to find a better option of schooling was intensified. Over the course of the next few years we tried a Public Charter School and Traditional Home School. While both of these programs were okay, they just didn’t feel like the right fit for my daughter. Again, my search for a program that would work for her was renewed. Along comes Method Schools.

Projects to emphasize what she is learning while also following a specific educational plan has given my daughter the chance to grow academically. Her growth in just one year has been astounding. Her confidence in her school work has been boosted. She is responsible for logging into her content and completing her work. The sense of responsibility and accountability she has towards school is amazing to see. She is self motivated and understands that the quality of the work completed is more important than the amount of work completed. My daughter is no longer contained in the box of what is acceptable by our public school system, but unrestricted in her learning and ability to further her education.

As I reflect back on the 2014-15 school year, I realize that my daughter has learned more than just academic knowledge from her experience with Method Schools. She is now more in control of her school work and has a much better understanding and accountability towards her education. Establishing good study habits and a positive outlook on school will benefit her for years to come.

I am looking forward to what the 2015-16 school year will bring!

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