Year-round enrollment

Method is an independent study program operating year-round, commencing in July each school year.

The flexibility of Method’s year-round program allows students additional time during the month of July to complete credits needed for graduation. Students may enroll at Method Schools during any term for which they are not in attendance at another school.
Program and Courses:
  • Method is a tuition-free public charter school. As such, students can’t be actively enrolled elsewhere while attending.
  • We utilize Smartfox, our curriculum platform. It offers user-friendly navigation and consolidates all curriculum materials in one convenient location.
  • Parents or legal guardians are required to register (enroll) their students and withdraw their students when applicable.
  • Students are required to take a minimum of 10 credits at a time and no more than 15 credits.
  • Each single-semester course is worth 5 credits if completed.
  • Course offerings and descriptions can be viewed on the enrollment page
  • Please note that due to the time requirements, students are not permitted to be enrolled in more than 5 credits of PE at a time.


  • Students are required to log in each school day but are not limited to logging in at specific times of the day. Teachers have daily open office hours should students have questions or need help.
  • Students are required to attend one live homeroom meeting each week to check-in. (Day and times will be announced by your student’s teacher(s) before coursework begins).


  • All courses begin July 1st, 2024.
  • Students who choose to start with Method on July 1st will complete 10-15 credits at an accelerated pace.
  • Students will be given pacing guides to help them maintain the intense pacing required. To meet the rigorous requirements of these courses, students should choose between completing courses sequentially or concurrently using the pacing guides provided.
  • The pacing guides will guide students to complete their courses in as little as 3 or 6 weeks.

Required Registration Documents:

  • Completed online enrollment form
  • Birth Certificate or passport showing proof of age(required by State of California)
  • Immunization records (required by State of California)
  • Two separate proof of residency documents in the parent/guardian's name such as a bank statement (address only) or current bill (required by State of California)
  • Students do not need to withdraw from their previous school if they are not actively attending another school while enrolled at Method.


How to enroll:

Step 1: Begin the registration process by completing an interest form on our website at 

Step 2: Follow the steps to complete the Smartfox Enrollment form (must be completed by a parent/guardian)

Step 3: Attach the required registration documents and select courses directly on the enrollment form

Step 4: Once your enrollment has been reviewed by an enrollment specialist and all necessary information is in, the parent/guardian will receive a confirmation email stating the student's name and courses they have enrolled in

Step 5: Prior to the July 1st start date, we will send you important emails containing welcome information and your login credentials. Be sure to keep an eye on your inbox for these essential updates.