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Questions About Method Schools? We're Here For You!
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January 29, 2018

4 min

Method Schools Team

Eight Different Learning Styles That Can Benefit From Homeschooling

Homeschooling can come with many advantages for families and communities, and there are also specific types of child learners that might do best in the home school environment. Not all children learn at the same pace or in the same way, and it can be hard to get everyone up to speed in a traditional schooling environment. If you are worried that a standard classroom setting might not be the perfect fit for your child and their learning style, there might be other alternatives that can help them succeed. Here are eight different learning styles kids might have that can flourish in a home school environment and the reasons this specific tailor-made environment can provide a better alternative.

1. Kids Who Learn at Their Own Pace

If your child isn't one to stick to a basic learning schedule, might fall behind, or excel in a classroom setting, this shouldn't be frowned upon. Classrooms try to get all children on the same page with lesson plans because it helps with daily structure, even if this doesn't really benefit all children. If your child needs extra time on certain subjects and might move ahead rapidly in others, lesson plans can easily be shifted on a day-to-day basis in a home school environment.

2. Kids Who Learn by Doing

While some kids can excel just fine in a classroom that utilizes books and discussion to learn, other children might flourish in an environment that fosters more hands-on learning. Homeschooling a child can allow educators to work through real-life experiments with children, provide access computer programs, and go on field trips in fields that particularly interest the learner. This can foster more cemented interest in lifelong learning and help you find out what your child truly enjoys and excels at in school, and in the real world.

3. Kids Who Learn Differently

Not all kids are going to be able to learn in a specific classroom environment, but that doesn't mean that there aren't alternatives. Homeschooling and smaller group-setting school environments might be the perfect fit for children with different learning capacities, from disabilities to trouble focusing. This alternative learning environment won't single out your child's limitations, and instead different learning styles can be refocused as opportunities in a tailor-made home school setting. If your child is gifted or advanced, they can learn at home and focus rather than be in a grade-level environment with children outside of their age range, which can lead to insecurities and distractions.

4. Kids With Specific Interests

While some children can adapt within a wide range of learning topics and keep all avenues open, some learners either have very specific interests early on, or might excel in a specific topic, even if this is non-traditional. If your child is interested in computers, this is an interest that can be more easily fostered at home than in a classroom that might not have access to the programs or hardware needed. Your child can choose agendas and topics to focus on, and this can become more and more streamlined as your child enters high school.

5. Kids That Need a Focused Environment

Sometimes kids need to be in a specific environment to learn, and sometimes this best place for this is right at home. They might have the benefit of support animals and other siblings that keep them calm throughout the day. The home comforts of a set schedule can help with learning, along with a less anxiety-charged setting for those who may have social limitations but are still ready to learn. If the stresses of the traditional classroom setting are hindering your child's concentration or achievement, consider all of the holistic benefits homeschooling might actually bring to the table.

6. Kids That Need to Focus on a Few Specific Subjects

While some subjects might come naturally to your child, if there are other areas such as math or science that they need more time with, this can be tailored into their daily agenda. This can make your child's school day feel more seamless, and they won't be singled out for additional tutoring after school that might be the only answer in a public school setting. Every child is different, and having the ease to spend as little or as much time on any given subject is a benefit to homeschooling.

7. Kids Far Away from High Performing Schools

If your family is in a more rural area or might not live in a school district that is high performing, you might be anxious to send your child to the local public school. The best way for your child to learn is to have the right baseline of educational goals that can help them succeed. The great news is, you have a choice when it comes to your child's education, and you might do your child a lifelong favor by homeschooling them. Benefits from home school might be far more advantageous than what lower performing school district your child would be a part of would offer.

8. Kids that have a Different Schedule

While many children can fit seamlessly into the daily school schedule that is traditionally structured around basic workweeks, sometimes this schedule isn't the perfect fit for all children. Your family might have a member who is straddled with a long-term illness or other family obligation that pulls your child out of the traditional school week on a regular basis. There are also specific sports and talents that might require your child to shift their educational time frame around another interest. These scheduling problems are easily solved with homeschooling and won't become a constant battle with schools and school districts for your family.

There are all different types of kids, personalities, and learning styles. It is hard to imagine that all learners would achieve success in the exact same learning environment. If you think that your child might benefit from homeschooling, it might be worth looking into the advantages this can help with. Whether your family lives in a populated or rural area, there are plenty of in-person and online resources that will empower your child's educational achievements and keep them motivated in an at-home setting, succeeding and meeting their learning goals.


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