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Method high school students can save thousands on college tuition with The Academy at Method Schools
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May 21, 2015

3 min

Dr. Jessica Spallino

Blended Learning Leads to Student Success

Blended Learning is Increasingly Becoming the Most Successful Form of Education for Students

The concept of blended learning has increased in more recent years as the Internet and the classroom continually evolve and become more fused. If online classes are the norm now for many students, many older students forget what it was like to still interact in a real class. For younger students who've grown up in the Internet era, they've never experienced the concept of a real classroom unless shown the way to see how well blended learning works.

Evidence is becoming clearer on blended learning benefits. The U.S. Department of Education already did a comprehensive study on blended learning in 2010 and concluded that the concept is far more effective than being in a classroom all the time.

While this study took place before Internet became even more ubiquitous and faster, it demonstrated how blended learning was already more than feasible. The U.S. Department of Education admitted this educative concept needed refining then, yet certain technologies allowed improvements to happen in the interim.

For K-12 students, this is a major advantage to them when they're already used to spending time online. What elements of blended learning give your kids the most benefits? You'll see how combining online and in-person learning provides more of a variety to students so they stay inspired in the subjects they learn.

Plus, you'll see numbers that show blended learning works better than online learning alone.

Dealing with Limited Classroom Space

One of the greatest benefits of blended learning for both schools and students is helping deal with limited class space. When blended learning has successful implementation, students don't have to worry about sitting in a crowded classroom for hours at a time. Students sometimes find crowded classrooms disruptive due to too many distractions. It also creates issues for the teachers considering how disruptive an overly crowded classroom can get.

Blended learning ultimately helps schools think more creatively on collaboration when it comes to combining education methods. Approaches to learning become better as well when regular classroom teaching methods don't always stimulate K-12 minds.

Statistics Proving Blended Learning Success

Recent evidence shows that many students are doing well with blended learning plans. In some studies, 94% of all students who completed a blended learning program successfully completed the course. Plus, 62% of students participating had high scores on their AP tests. These numbers are very encouraging and show a blended educational environment makes a big difference in helping learning become more fun.

Much of this comes in the form of kids learning online with adult supervision. With the Internet typically a place where students have fun, having parents or other supervisors nearby is usually an imperative. Time in the classroom usually means working in labs where tactile demonstrations give a better learning environment than through a computer screen.

Some specific disciplines require being in a lab, including topics in science, or health-related courses. Technology, however, continues to improve in the field of blended learning. Since the days of the earlier studies, tech improvements provide more of a virtual reality feel that makes online learning all the more useful.

Using Technology to Make Blended Learning Meaningful

Using high-definition cameras, better microphones, larger video screens, and even mobile technology allows students to learn at home and even through other schools. This sense of collaboration helps students take courses that otherwise wouldn't be available to them.

Even if technology requires investments, many cameras and mobile technologies have come down in cost and give more reliable live feeds. Better Internet speeds also help so the online learning process starts to feel like actually being live in the classroom. Unified communications on mobile devices additionally helps kids have a more collaborative learning experience.

To find out more about blended learning and how it's evolving, come visit us at Method.

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